Drivers Licenses for Illegals?… Really?… Again?

This is my first post, so I will try and keep it short and sweet until I get into the swing of things. After all, I don’t want Sparky to ban me right off the bat before I even get going.

Lets break this issue down for a moment and see if we can get some clarity by giving equal time to some proponents arguments.

  1. “we are a much more secure nation if we do issue driver’s licenses and/or state IDs to every resident who applies, regardless of immigration status.”
    Ok, this is almost just too silly. So, anybody who applies, will be issued a driver’s license. That way, I guess, we can slack off on the border restrictions. Anyone from, oh, I don’t know… Iran, or Afghanistan for example, can walk on in to the DMV, take a driver’s test and get a license, and drive off into the sunset, fat, dumb and happy right? So where does the “much more secure” part come in?
  2. “If illegal immigrants are afraid to talk to police because of fear of deportation, fewer people come forward to report crimes, aid police investigations, and testify as witnesses.”
    So using this analogy, I guess if you grab some old ladies purse today, run around the corner and take the cash out, then witness somebody else getting mugged walking home, you will have no problem reporting the mugging to the cops, as long as we remove the fear of being arrested for stealing the old ladies purse, right? Illegal is Illegal…Period!
  3. “We need to keep track of them somehow because they are so afraid of deportation that most of them live ‘off the grid’. This will help us keep track of them”
    If we assume that they do live mostly off the grid, working for cash under the table, no checking or banking accounts, no social security cards, etc. (more on this later), and we are going to give them DL’s to keep track of them, what name do you suppose they will use on their application? How will we verify their information on the form. And here is the really scary scenario; someone goes to the DMV, claims to be illegal goes through the process to get their DL with their “real”  name verified by our superior background research. Ok, now multiply that by all 50 states (or at least the ones that are considering this legislation or have enacted something like it), with different identities in each. Cool! They should be easy to keep track of right?
  4. “Moving around freely is a right in this country. Taking that right away is unconstitutional and racist.”
    I love this argument. Growing up in a small California town, I could not wait until my 16th birthday so I could go take my drivers test and get my license. The week before I took the test, I got into a little argument with my dad over some trivial thing, trying to launch fireworks meant for a vertical launch from a safe non-flammable surface from a jury-rigged hand held launch tube I think, (like I said…trivial). He told me, and I quote “a drivers license is not a right, it is a privilege. It will be earned and not freely given to you! If you want that license, you have to prove to me you deserver it.” I still happen to believe that. Thanks Dad.
    As for it being constitutional, last time I checked, the constitution applied to US citizens. By definition, illegal aliens are not US citizens, and as for being racist, well, I have not even mentioned a particular race of people here have I?

I could go on all day with this (don’t even get me started on how they(illegals) prop up our economy), however I need to get back to work. I hope Sparky lets me publish this article.
Until next time…