I will no doubt post about what has happened over the past few months very soon. I have a handful of regular readers and many of them have sent repeat e-mails asking that I return to the site. I had an injury a few months ago from which I am still recovering. In fact, I hope my appointment Wednesday will clear the path for me to begin physical therapy sometime in December.
Properly motivated, I will be able to walk with a cane in January and “hands free” in February, but I’m told that is a little too aggressive. They (and you know how “they” can be) anticipate “full but reduced” mobility by April. I intend to prove them wrong but I will not do anything stupid to re-injure myself.
Thank you to all who have shown their continued support for me while I have been away. If you are new to this site, thank you for stopping by. I invite you to read my previous posts and comment if you so desire.
If you never liked the site, do not expect a radical change in tone or content. I did not have a life-threatening injury or a near-death experience. I was not admitted to a hospital. I had outpatient surgery but I was not “admitted” for the operation. Why am I telling you this now? If you did not like it before you are not going to like it now. I am still a disgruntled human venting to the world.
Very glad you’re back to blogging!!! Also glad that the “tone or content” are not changing!